I needed some time after I watched to get back to mind. The Shallows stand up to the test of time. I did not know anything about this movie before, I did not even see a trailer, but I enjoyed it very much in the first place. The Shallows ‘s one of the best movie films ever made, I love music. shows you change, inspiration, or influence. There is movie in my mind, but the favorable but best movie means having a certain style that symbolizes a symbol of an movie to tell a story from the moving pictures of both an entity and a turning point of an existence. It is my favorite horror movie because parts felt very similar to my life experience. The Shallows – awesome movie from 2016 year. Though she is stranded only 200 yards from shore, survival proves to be the ultimate test of wills, requiring all of Nancy’s ingenuity, resourcefulness, and fortitude. There are a few flaws here and there, including a horrible ending but there's no question that THE SHALLOWS delivers the goods.When Nancy is surfing on a secluded beach, she finds herself on the feeding ground of a great white shark. Oscar Jaenada also deserves a lot of credit for the few scenes that he is in. Lively turns in a very good performance as she perfectly hits on several emotional marks. The movie also works whenever the shark isn't attacking because the director builds up such a relationship between the viewer and the Nancy character that you can't help but feel suspense even when the shark isn't there. What's so great about them is that the shark looks 100% real and there's never any feeling that you're watching a CGI shark like DEEP BLUE SEA or some other crap movie you'd see on SyFy. The director delivers all sorts of great excitement and there's no doubt that the shark attacks are wonderfully done. I'm obviously not going to ruin them here but there's no doubt that there are several scenes that will have your stomach in a knot as you wait to see where the next attack is going to come from. What works so well is the fact that everything goes as you'd expect but at the thirty minute mark things take a bigger turn and we get several more twists and surprises.

Going into the movie you already know that there's a shark that is going to attack so this immediately gets you ready for what's to come. The greatest thing about the movie is certainly it's suspense factor. This is certainly a movie where the director has full control of the experience and he really delivers a nice little gem. Director Jaume Collet-Serra has certainly created one of the more memorable thrillers of the past few years and while there's a lot of scenes with the shark the director also manages to build up suspense without seeing it. THE SHALLOWS has been called the best shark movie since JAWS and it's easy to see why so many people are falling in love with it. Meskipun ia terdampar hanya 200 yard dari pantai, kelangsungan hidup terbukti menjadi ujian akhir dari kehendak, yang menuntut semua kecerdikan, kepandaian, dan ketabahan Nancy. The plan is to surf and reflect on her life but soon she's fighting for it when she's attacked by a Great White shark. Ketika Nancy berselancar di pantai terpencil, dia menemukan dirinya di tempat makan hiu putih besar. The Shallows (2016) *** (out of 4) Nancy (Blake Lively) heads to a secluded beach in Mexico that her mother had visited years earlier.